Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Luke 23:44-46—It was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into Your hands I commit my spirit." When He had said this, He breathed His last.

When Darkness Reigns

When darkness reigns envy credits miracles as the work of the devil.

When darkness reigns Satan drives his own Iscariot.

When darkness reigns love is sold for coins of silver.

When darkness reigns those who should be praying fall asleep.

When darkness reigns man’s depravity glows with burning intensity.

When darkness reigns the high priest’s house is the model home for hell.

When darkness reigns Jealousy is the cologne of choice.

When darkness reigns a kiss brings no affection from manipulating lips that work deception.

When darkness reigns truth takes a beating.

When darkness reigns those in power mock and sneer at the One whose slate was clean.

When darkness reigns suicide is the only recourse for the betrayer.

When darkness reigns belief gives way to doubt.

When darkness reigns friends deny the one they love.

When darkness reigns the state bird is a cocky chicken.

When darkness reigns justice lies covered beneath lies and insults.

When darkness reigns the corrupt conduct the crowd in a symphony of hate.

When darkness reigns mobs have their way.

When darkness reigns courage no longer wields its sword.

When darkness reigns the governor convicts one innocent to pardon the murderer.

When darkness reigns kindness goes into hiding.

When darkness reigns tears taste bitter.

When darkness reigns the cross stands silhouetted against a stormy sky.

When darkness reigns wine is replaced by vinegar.

When darkness reigns the Son stops shining.

When darkness reigns fear seizes anxious hearts melting peace into a pond of worry.

When darkness reigns God turns His back on His own Son.

When darkness reigns the forces of evil party.

When darkness reigns the righteous mourn and women wail songs without words.

When darkness reigns God’s people suffer.

When darkness reigns answers yield to questions.

When darkness reigns the tomb is a place to gather and wonder what might have been.

When darkness reigns hope has no forum.

When darkness reigns coldness wraps its miserable cloak around a weary world.

When darkness reigns the Words gives way to silence.

And then came Easter . . . something to think about, in reveration!


Darkness is my point of view, my right to myself; light is God’s point of view. Jesus Christ made the line of demarcation between light and darkness very definite, the danger is lest this division gets blurred.—Oswald Chambers in Studies in the Sermon on the Mount