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1 Corinthians 9:12—If others have this right of support from you, shouldn’t we have it all the more? But we did not use this right. On the contrary, we put with anything, rather than hinder the gospel of Christ.
The Apostle Paul alludes to the fact in the passage above, that he and his team had the right to be financially supported by the Corinthian Christians to whom they ministered. But rather than take the chance that the gospel might somehow be hindered they chose to work and subsist on what God provided outside of the local believers. Paul understood how touchy people can get over the issue of money. Evidently he discerned that it was not prudent to seek support so he chose a different course of action. Unlike the pastor or Christian worker who insists that he be paid and makes a fuss over support, Paul focused on the gospel and trusted God to care for their needs.
The key to flexibility is the ability to understand the big picture. How does an engineer remain cheerful checking ID cards at a gate despite the fact that this was not what he was trained to do? He understands that military police are in short supply and are greatly needed to maintain order and discipline in a dangerous environment elsewhere. His sacrifice is for the greater good of the organization. Way to go engineers!