Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Psalm 119:100—I have more understanding than the elders, for I obey Your precepts.

John 14:23—Jesus replied, “If anyone loves Me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make our home with him.”

Several expensive houses were built on a cliff in Oregon overlooking the Pacific ocean. The architects used their minds to design gorgeous homes. The carpenters put their brains and hands to work to create structural masterpieces. Unfortunately, they failed to account for the possibility that erosion and landslides caused from heavy rain would send these homes crashing down the slopes they once perched above.

If we believe that we can assemble a life that is spiritually sound on the basis of our own insights we are a disaster waiting to appear on the next headline news. The key to building a strong spiritual life was not hidden by God in the sand of common sense. No, He makes it wonderfully clear that if we want to be great and blessed in His kingdom we must obey His word. Let’s turn up our spiritual transistors to intercept a few excuses heaven catches from believers not working to become spiritually compliant.

Borice Busy: "God is not here in my size 9 ½ Nikes. He doesn’t understand that I don’t have time to always do what He would like." On the basis of such logic, his spiritual pilgrimage is placed on hold by the competing calls of other interests. His foundation is based on rubber as he bounces from activity to the next.

Trent Trendy: "God’s word was written by men over 19 centuries ago and beyond. His commands are wonderful but not relevant for where I am today." Trent doesn’t truly believe God’s word is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, able to judge the thoughts and attitudes of the heart (Hebrews 4:12). In truth he sees God as a relic and adorns his walls with antique pronouncements that look good on parchment. His true god is rationalization and his foundation is the slick clay of relevancy.

Swendy Simple: "God’s word is too hard to comprehend. It’s best if I just do that which makes sense." If Swendy refused to heed the warning on the hair dryer cord because she didn’t understand it, she would probably end up a crispy critter, electrocuted by plugging the wet cord into the wall socket. Just because we don’t understand something doesn’t mean we shouldn’t obey. God asks us to follow His commands for perfect reasons.

Corky Quibble: "It is impossible for me to do all that God asks—there is no way I can be perfect, so I might as well do what comes naturally and selectively ignore the rest, after all He’ll forgive me when I confess anyway." Imagine a basketball player refusing to practice free throws because he can’t make them all in a game! God expects us to strive to keep His instruction knowing we will benefit in the process.

No matter how good a house looks it must have a strong foundation to last the test of storms and time. You and I can live happy and fun-filled lives but if we are not anchored into obeying God’s word sin will eventually take us over the edge. Obedience isn’t a dirty word. It’s what makes us light to people locked in brown-outs. So the next time, the Holy Spirit grabs your attention with divine instruction—do it! You’ll not regret it—He guarantees it!


The golden rule for understanding in spiritual matters, is not intellect, but obedience . . . If a person wants scientific knowledge, intellectual curiosity is one’s guide; but if a person wants insight into what Jesus Christ teaches, one can only get it by obedience. If things are dark to us spiritually, it is because there is something we will not do. Intellectual darkness comes because of ignorance; spiritual darkness comes because of something I do not intend to obey.—Oswald Chambers in Studies in the Sermon on the Mount