Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Recently I needed to set up DSL over a phone line for a ministry I serve. When I called the phone company, (which will go unnamed), to set up the service, the line was answered by a voice-automated machine. The options I was presented did not help me so I repeatedly stated that I wanted to speak with an operator. Finally, the emotionless computer relented and patched me to a real voice. I set up the service thinking I would receive the special discount the company offered. But the price quoted to me was different and much higher. The salesperson explained that we would receive a substantial rebate, but in fact, we would over time lose much money because the contractual cost was too high.

Several days later, I cancelled the service. But before letting me go, the operator offered a discounted price in line with what initially attracted me to the company in the first place. It sounded good and I almost took the deal. But when I inquired for how long that price would last I learned it would only be for 6 months. Growing weary of marketing gimmicks, I remained firm with the cancellation.

The reason most of us value honesty is because it offers protection—what we hear is what we get, what we are told is substantiated. Half-truths and deception may win companies business deals, but when the real truth is exposed, these same businesses that deal unethically, or who misrepresent their services, will only lose customers. No one likes to be taken advantage of or be slickly manipulated. King Solomon once wrote, “Kings take pleasure in honest lips; they value a man who speaks the truth.”—Proverbs 16:13.


Isaiah 45:18b-19—I am the Lord, and there is no other. I have not spoken in secret, from somewhere in a land of darkness; I have not said to Jacob’s descendants, “Seek Me in vain.” I, the Lord, speak the truth; I declare what is right.

Isaiah chapter 45 is a powerful treatise from God to King Cyrus. The Almighty lets this foreign emperor know Who He is and what He will do. In the passage above God affirms His practice of truth telling. Isn’t it comforting and encouraging knowing that our Lord always tells the truth! He is not duplicitous (deceitful). What He promises He delivers. What He values is honesty. May it be so for us as well. Let us speak the truth and declare what is right for the glory of the One Who is forever pure; something to think about . . . in reveration.