What we often see as tragedy God uses as opportunity. One of the great joys that come through walking by faith is the experience we gain watching God do incredible things. If only we would be so brave as to trust His leading.
Silas Titus is the International Missions Director for First Cause. He planned and coordinated my trip to India and was instrumental in forming our Encounter team. I met his gifted family and saw first-hand how God is using them for the expansion of His kingdom. Silas’ father, the Reverend Titus Varghese, is an evangelist. As God leads and provides for him, Titus travels to share with people about Jesus.
In September of 2001 God led Titus to New York City. On the morning of September 11 he was given specific instructions on how to reach by subway the Twin Towers. He should have arrived about the time the buildings began collapsing in the face of a horrendous terrorist attack. But Pastor Varghese somehow confused his directions and ended up at another station, a “mistake” which saved his life. When he emerged from the train and walked to the streets above, chaos and pandemonium greeted him. So he went into action.
Armed with gospel tracts he had written and a large sign he stood for long hours on a chaotic street corner proclaiming Jesus Christ to people badly confused and searching for answers. He met men and women from many different nations and spoke words of hope to countless hurting lives. Because he obeyed his Father and left his home in India, God used him in a mighty manner to proclaim Christ. Titus kept his divine appointment.
John 15:16—You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in My name.
So many of us think God cannot use us so we stay home. We find excuses not to leave our comfort zone and limit God working through us. We define ministry on our terms and wonder why our lives are unfulfilled. Are you willing to go? Whether you’re 16 or 89, black, brown or white, male or female, rich or poor, God can use you to make a difference.
You say, “I’m physically weak. I have limited capacity.” Then ask God to use your weakness for His glory! You say, “I have a family,” or “My job keeps me too busy.” But are you willing to go? God chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit! Don’t disqualify yourself because your circumstances seem prohibitive. Get moving because your Father in heaven is omnipotent.
One man obeyed God and traveled halfway around the world just so God could position him in the right spot at the right time. What will you let God do with you? If we would only let Him ignite a passion in our own hearts for those who are lost and be willing to go wherever He leads us whenever He wants for whatever He desires. Go! Go! Go!
The people with God’s “go” in them have these three characteristics: a saving experience, the evidence of supernatural power at work, and the spiritual efficacy of success in prayer.—Oswald Chambers in God’s Workmanship