Wednesday, November 5, 2008


“There is no sun,” the people cried. “Don’t talk to us about sun. Every day it is the same. We can see only so far in front, so far above and that’s the way it is. Life is a mist, soak it up. What we see is far more important than what we don’t see. What we believe is beyond us is of no consequence to what we experience. We do what we want to do and we want to be left alone. When we die we die and so it is better to live for whatever makes us happy.

Don’t fill our heads with stories of warmth and brightness. Don’t tell our children that their lives could be changed. We don’t need you stuffing your stories down our ears. Quit saying that living in the fog is hazardous to our health. We’re sick of your pious platitudes. Who gave you the right to judge our actions? What makes you think that your way is better? We can decide for ourselves and make our own choices.

Any path can reach the sun if there really is a sun which we doubt because if it existed it would have burnt through this fog by now. Your constant rambling about it is really hate speech and we don’t like it. Stop talking about light! Take away your pictures of blue skies—don’t you realize they are offensive?”

Ken got back into his car and drove three miles up Rood highway. Soon he was basking in brilliance, able to see for miles across the crystal, clear sky with all the other people on the hill. He quietly thanked the Son for rescuing him from darkness. Behind him a mantle of fog smothered the valley and its residents. For years he lived among them and tried his best to win their trust. Ken described the warmth and joy that came from light. He invited them to come with him and see for themselves. Some came and were forever changed. Others politely listened but declined his invitations. But most grew more hostile and critical towards him.

Carnal Valley passed laws that forbad anyone from criticizing the fog. They decried as barbaric any who believed there were clear skies. While demanding tolerance for their whim and will they censored the Light Book and revoked the broadcasting licenses of any whose radio or television programs advocated light-living. Many called the sun mafic and described the fog as clear. Valley residents praised the unenlightened and made them their educators. Soon the perverted became the preferred and any who dared to disagree were forced to leave the valley or were imprisoned.

Fog grows when the rain of a hard heart falls upon the air of a stubborn will. Only those willing to turn from their pride and in faith take the Rood that leaves Carnal find the light where the Son shines eternal.


Isaiah 44:22—I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist, return to me, for I have redeemed you.