Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Psalm 120:1—I call on the Lord in my distress, and He answers me.

I was driving down Lombard when a red light illuminated my dashboard with the words "Check Engine". Now I’d be the first to admit I’m a mechanical dummy but I know that when that light comes on it doesn’t mean to pop the hood and check to see if there is still an engine in there! That cerise glow is a nonsubtle directive to get to a mechanic who can run a diagnostic test and hopefully discover why the warning message is activated without charging me an elbow and a thigh.

Wouldn’t it be nice if God placed a little red light in the upper left portion of our chest that flashed the words, "Check Heart" whenever we became stressed out? It’s not a good idea to ignore warning messages in cars. To do so can lead to a mechanical breakdown. Neither is it a good idea to ignore distress hoping it will just go away. Our manufacture’s warranty says, God made us. And God says that when we are in trouble we are to go to Him. He knows if we need an attitude adjustment, character alignment, or spiritual tune-up. He will equip us to negotiate the road hazards we’ll encounter on life’s highways.

If you’re filled with angst, schedule an appointment with God. Follow His guidance. Don’t perspire the price. He’s paid your tab. Trust in His Word and obey His will, believing that Jesus and the Holy Spirit intercede on your behalf! That’s grace and certainly in an uneasy world, something to think about . . . in reveration.


If I am a child of God, distress will lead me to Him for direction.—Oswald Chambers in The Pilgrim’s Song Book