2Samuel 6:14,15—David, wearing a linen ephod, danced before the Lord with all his might, while he and the entire house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with shouts and the sound of trumpets.
The king was excited—no question about it. The prized
But David wasn’t about to let her sleet on his celebration. His joy was directed to God and he really didn’t give a rip what she thought. Evidently God agreed with him for we read in 2Samuel
When I think of enthusiasm, I can’t help but remember the Black Hats of Airborne School. Now those sergeants had verve! "You soldiers are moving like pond water!" "Get up ladies! What ‘cha wanna be girls!" When it came to creative uses of the English language to motivate people—the Black Hats ruled! Of course who wouldn’t be enthusiastic getting paid to drop people for push-ups.
There’s something powerfully motivating about being around people full of uncontained joy. I didn’t say unrestrained for some times enthusiasm is rightfully bottled. I’m speaking of those whose joy is in the Lord no matter what life throws at them.
When’s the last time you cut loose with a powerful chortle? Are you guilty of walking in the hard clay trench of hum-drum? Have your eyes grown accustomed to forming critical crosshairs so everyone in your path fears becoming the next target? Ah drop it! Take a moment and grab a deep breath of air! In fact, get a life! Go find a linen ephod and pick a street to dance in! After all, God loves you. He gave you the awesome privilege of life. He honors those who dance for His glory and God knows we need more dances! Something to think about . . . in