Ecclesiastes 3:1,4—"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance."
Psalm 126:1,2—"When the Lord brought back the captives to
Watching people could easily become a favorite hobby for me. Do you ever notice the faces of oncoming drivers while sitting at a traffic light? Try it sometime. There is a lot to be learned about life in the expressions of those we encounter each day.
A friend of mine concluded that if one were to attend a multilevel marketing meeting where Jesus’ name was substituted for the product being hyped, people would swear they were at a revival. His thought pushes my "what if" button. What if:
· Church were more celebratory—would people conclude that cheering for Christ was far more meaningful than sitting on some concrete seat bellowing for the latest sports hero?
· We Christians truly took the time to weep with those in mourning? Would anyone have time to give their emotional attention to Days of Our Lives, and
· We dared to laugh in the face of adversity because we had the courage to share with others that we read the whole book and we win in the end.
· We quit criticizing those who lift up their hands, those who sit on their hands, those who dance to a different beat or those who can’t dance to save their lives and just let our hearts rejoice in Jesus.
· We freely confessed our sin, fell on our knees before our Holy God and wept at the sorry state of our nation’s moral condition.
· We were more concerned about God being glorified than what others might think of us.
We are created in God’s image! Let’s identify and express the emotions He’s given us. Let’s open up our hearts so the world can see--Jesus!