Psalm 71:18—Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your might to all who are to come.
Here’s a nightmare! If we don’t spiritually invest in the generations that follow us who will rise up willing to carry the torch of Christ? A self-centered spiritual body is an embarrassment to the throne of the One Who so loved THE WORLD—past, present and future!
Colonel R. inspires me. He has an uncommon passion in an occupation that can easily become self-serving. He identifies those under his command who show promise two or more ranks below him and then works with diligence to groom them for greater responsibility and reward. Conceptually we call this mentoring. Col. R is passionate about the future—one in which he will be retired. Why? Because he cares about his nation and he wants to leave a legacy that surpasses his own name.
Good fruit never occurs haphazardly. It comes intentionally. You and I have the opportunity to bear fruit! Some God-followers shirk the responsibility of passing what they’ve learned to others. The excuses range from fear of ineptitude to busyness. But you and I cannot afford to find reason not to invest spiritually in the lives of the generations that follow us. Just as I dare not neglect the spiritual training of my children so you too, whether you are married or single, cannot afford to let those lessons the Holy Spirit has engraved on your heart die like some forgotten blackboard lesson in a boarded up schoolhouse.
Let us declare with motivation, truth and simplicity all that we can about our awesome God to those who are younger. To bear good fruit takes more than leading someone through some check-the-block six-week instructional program. It is more than once-a-week coffee get-togethers with the gang. It requires deed, character, attitude, word and faithfulness that naturally teaches and models what it means to follow Jesus in this day-to-day living we call LIFE.
What is the test of effective fruit-bearing? The generation we invest in invests in the next generation . . . "And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others" (2 Timothy 2:2). Are you bearing fruit or hardening on the vine?