Wednesday, November 5, 2008


John 14:1—Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.

2 Corinthians 5:7—We live by faith, not by sight.

Okinawa was a great island to begin. My parents took their first steps of missionary faith, moving to Okinawa to minister to U.S. soldiers stationed there. I remember as a three and four-year old, the adventure of living through typhoons. I recall the fear of deep grass because of the dreaded "step-and-a-half" vipers. (That’s how far one could step after being bitten). I caught my first fish on a deep sea fishing trip. I spent nights agonizing through leg pains brought on by growing. Or how about the time we sat around the table and thanked God for the food when the cupboards were empty. Someone knocked on the door which when opened yielded a basket of fruit, another time a sack of rice. Life was great after all I was a just a kid. What did I know about struggling just to get by. I learned to trust God because that’s what my dad and mom did.

The more hair I lose the more I understand why Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." As adults our energized pride measures greatness by reasoning and accomplishments. We walk by sight not by faith. But faith is not connect-the-dots living. God never commends us for what we do apart from Him. Faith is an assured impression, a mental realizing that the unseen One we love can lead us where we have never been.

God, the Cosmic Artist, draws in invisible ink. As we trust Him, life’s letters take shape leading us around the next corner. It’s like living in Colorado Springs where one never knows what the weather will do next. It is a journey in trust that begins with the first step of confessing I am not in charge—God is! Where He leads I may not understand but I will follow. I may question what He asks me to do. I may doubt His intentions. I may suggest He let me drive for awhile. But in the end, if I intend to successfully follow Jesus, I must have faith. Something to think about . . . in reveration!


Faith never knows where it is being led, it knows and loves the one who is leading.—Oswald Chambers in Not Knowing Where