Once upon a time fireworks were created by a loving Creator. But alas, the first two fireworks made were deceived by their Designer’s enemy into believing they could perform as equals to their Maker. Their rebelliousness tainted every succeeding generation of firework with a "My pop’s bigger than your pop!" mentality.
In language: some boomed; some bandits banged like gunfire; some shrieked in irritating shrill; some whined while others "wooooshed" and "pshewwwed"; some roared in bass while others whistled in octaves every dog deplores.
In motion: they zipped and zapped in streaks; they tottered and bounced recklessly; they spun like tops costumed in green and then purple; they rocketed as if nothing could stop them or they were content to sit and flare; they arched high into the sky to dance frenetically in brilliant colors; and they floated like parachutes gracefully casting circles of light.
In size: some were tiny and easily missed against those that were huge; some were elongated rockets; some were box-like while others were round; some were fat and some were sleek; some were particularly beautiful with their exquisite design.
In talent: many had a single purpose to make noise, give light, move or smoke; a few were superstars—overwhelming in their ability to create sight, sound and motion; some had short fuses while others were completely lacking; and then there were bombs that never amounted to anything—refusing to ignite.
For the Designer, every firework was special each having an intended purpose. Unfortunately the vast majority refused to believe Him. They were more content to sit miserably in their containers, ignoring Him while pretending they were a splendid extension of the big bang, or worshiping inferior duds of their own making. Finally, their patient Maker fashioned His Son to live among them and be like them. He became the only firework to work perfectly, be extinguished (by jealous pyrotechnics) and come back to life!
He brought emancipation to all that trusted and loved Him. No longer would the greatest thrill be that of going out with a bang only to be judged as deficient by the Creator. Indeed He taught and trained His followers to burn so that others would see and smell His aroma. He offered the promise that every firework willing to be lit and guided by Him would be forgiven for rebelling and one day transformed into a perfect light to shine spectacularly forever with the Father of lights. He brought hope, joy and peace to a chaotic world of competing missiles. Who will respond to His guarantee?
John 8:36—So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
Something to think about . . . in