Saturday, November 8, 2008


Sometimes for relaxation, I will sit down and watch the fish in our aquarium. Their territorial battles, peculiar habits, and beautiful coloring make for interesting (albeit slow) entertainment. We purchased our 60-gallon tank in San Diego and had it for over 12 years. Then one morning I awoke to find the water level had dropped. Horror of horrors, the glass zoo had sprung a leak. Now it sits in our backyard and holds plants and the occasional frog we happen to catch.


2 Chronicles 26:5—He (King Uzziah) sought God during the days of Zechariah, who instructed him in the fear of God. As long as he sought the Lord, God gave him success.

King Amaziah, a direct descendant of King David, was a good king who often did what was right in God’s eyes but not wholeheartedly (see 2 Ch. 25:2). Unfortunately he had a pride problem and turned away from God. This ultimately cost him his life. His son, Uzziah, was just 16 years old when the people of Judah made him their king. As the passage above teaches, Uzziah was successful so long as he sought the Lord. He defeated Judah’s enemies in battle and fortified Jerusalem. He employed many people to plant vineyards and gardens because he loved the soil. Life was good in the land of Judah. But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall” (2 Ch.26:16a). God struck him with leprosy and he died a horrible death. Because of his disease he was not even buried with his fathers.

It is not a complicated thing to follow God. So why is it that few follow the straight path without going crooked? Uzziah watched his dad turn from God and suffer the consequences. Yet, he too became victim to the same malady we know as pride. I suspect it happens to all of us if we are not extremely careful. We begin with good intentions eager to please God. Spiritual growth is profitable and exciting. It feels good to be good. Then we get a little lazy. We stop spending as much time studying our Bibles. We frequently forget to pray. Over time we assume more of the load of decision-making without consulting the Lord. Life goes on and we notice we are doing just fine. Cockiness subtly sets in as we grow increasingly confident in our own wisdom. Then bang we sin in a major way! We justify our errant behavior because God is no longer feared but rather the One Who caters to our whim and will.

The unattended glass just needed caulking. Are you seeking God? If you’re too busy for Him, you are already leaking. If His presence is taken for granted, then godly fear is evaporating fast. Humble yourself! Why suffer downfall when He offers uplift! May we seek Him wholeheartedly before we find our tanks are empty!


Spiritual leakage arises either by refusing to treat God seriously or by refusing to do anything for Him seriously.—Oswald Chambers in Approved Unto God