Saturday, November 8, 2008


I’m working on a CD cover for my latest music project titled “Evidence.” The image that Misha, the graphics designer, is working with is a lightning bolt across a dark sky which reflects vividly off a placid water surface. We labored for a long time in looking for the right picture. Without an amazing cover many people won’t pick up a CD. When respect to marketing, the saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” doesn’t apply.


Genesis 1:27—So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

God created Adam and Eve in His own image but sin irreparably damaged the human race. Yet, through the second Adam, Jesus Christ, the One Who knew no sin, we see the image of God in human form. The Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 3:18, But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.” (NASB) The beauty of this verse is the reality of spiritual transformation. When we put our faith in Jesus and pursue Him, the transformation journey begins! We take on the image of Christ and the world sees again what God intended.

With transformation comes responsibility. A sloppy (unholy) life is a poor reflection of God’s glory. If our cover is besmirched who cares Who lives inside us? God wants the world to know Him. He wants those who are lost in sin to find Him by seeing the change that occurs in those who follow His Son. Likeness is profoundly important. God never sacrifices His image neither should we. Something to think about . . . in reveration!


By being filled with the Spirit we are transformed, and by beholding we become mirrors. You always know when a man has been beholding the glory of the Lord, you feel in your inner spirit that he is the mirror of the Lord’s own character. Beware of anything which would sully that mirror in you; it is nearly always a good thing, the good that is not the best.—Oswald Chambers in My Utmost For His Highest