Saturday, November 8, 2008


Matthew 7:21—Not everyone who says to Me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father Who is in heaven.

Jesus tells us the story of the wise and foolish builders. The wise person hears God’s word and applies it and is likened to someone carving a foundation into solid rock to build a home. The foolish person hears God’s word but forsakes application. This person is like a builder who constructs a house on sand. The day arises when a storm of dynamic fury hits. Rock rules. Those in the subdivision of sand are ruined.

Why would anyone build on sand? Could it be that there are many people who honestly believe they are following God? They can quote from the Bible. They regularly attend church. They carry Jesus’ business cards. They make their homepage They recite a thousand rosaries and play the songs of KLOVE. But is He Lord if they build from the plans of their own blueprints? Is He Lord when His will is ignored by their whim? Is He Lord if His guidance is canned for personal agendas? How simple it is to fly the flag of a rugged cross over earthly castles. But the proof of ownership is not sealed by flapping cloth. A house may look wonderful externally but sit on shifting ground. A limicolous existence awaits those who disdain observing God’s word.

A floor of sand is the mark of selfishness. A granular base warms the feet of fools, beckons whole communities to build in ease only to be erased eventually by the waves of a Father Who gave clear guidance and was spurned. A basement in rock is the place of selflessness. The proof of ownership is found inside the heart of those morally changed because they listened. When the lightning jigs, the thunder bellows and the high-pitched wail of a violent wind foretells disaster, people of the Rock snuggle in the arms of a heavenly Daddy safe because they put His words into practice. If it were not so His Kingdom would be a hollow place for those with clever mantras. Are you building on rock or on sand? The storm will tell.


The prevailing characteristics of the kingdom Jesus represents are moral characteristics. There must be an alteration in me before I can be in the kingdom or the kingdom can be in me, and that can only be by means of an inner crisis, namely, regeneration.—Oswald Chambers in God’s Workmanship