My youngest son Stephen, and I, went with some friends to a Koi/Goldfish show. It was the first time we’d ever attended anything like this. We were quite amazed. Koi come in a wide assortment of colors and shapes much like the dress of their human fans. It was obvious standing around the varied pools, that most of these people knew a great deal about carp. Here some facts I learned and lessons that jumped to mind:
1. If you buy Koi for their pattern and color design and the fish are less than three years old, don’t expect them to look the same as they grow older. Only when the fish reach their maturation point will their pattern and coloration become fixed.
Lesson: We need to be careful we don’t assume too much about children because of what we see when they are young. With growth will come change—not always what we expect--for good or for bad.
2. Koi may jump out of their ponds. I heard more than one fish story of a renegade carp found stiff as a board by its grief-stricken owner.
Lesson: God can give some people all they need to enjoy life and they will still do something stupid only to suffer dire consequences.
3. Koi can live as long as sixty years! People actually will their fish to younger family members or friends. How’d you like to go from cradle to grave with a fish pal?
Lesson: God loves us so much He’s promised to keep us for eternity!
4. The physical size Koi attain depends largely upon the size of their pond or tank.
Lesson: Our spiritual growth is dependent upon how willing we are to let God stretch our boundaries. I hear folks ask why they aren’t growing much. Often it is because they are unwilling to leave their safe confines and be challenged in their faith.
5. Vigilant care must be given to maintaining their water environment! A slight change of PH (acidic vs. alkaline) can cause these lovely fish to go belly up.
Lesson: A slight change in PH (Perfecting Holiness) will cost our health. If we sin or tolerate sin around us we will get spiritually sick.
6. People travel all over the
Lesson: If humans will go to such extraordinary lengths to enjoy and care for carp, imagine, what our loving Heavenly Father will do for us!
2 Peter 1:3—His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him Who called us by His own glory and goodness.