Saturday, November 8, 2008


Psalm 33:12,22—Blessed in the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He chose for His inheritance. May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in You.

Proverbs 14:34—Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.

Independence is the state of freedom from the influence, design or control of someone or others. It is the ability to self-govern unfettered by foreign powers; the spitting loose of a tyrannical bit knotted to another’s reins. A nation’s independence when married to morality rings the joyful bell of liberty, stirs the anthem of patriotism and honors the preservation of justice. It models a people whose sum is greater than her parts. Independence is much more than fireworks, baseball and homemade apple pie. These are just the aroma of a greater truth—the right to assemble to worship as we please, the right to vote and own property, the right to free speech—all without fear of being hauled off to prison, of being tortured, or killed.

The threat to independence is greater perhaps today than any other time in our republic’s history. I write this for three reasons. First, an independence taken for granted by those who live free is one which is vulnerable to others seizing. A complacent land is soon a conquered land. It may not be a foreign army attacking our shores we should fear most. Our complacency creates another more insidious threat—the disease of immorality. Our moral foundation daily crumbles beneath a growing virus of crime that festers in our cities and towns. What cherished freedom can we boast of if we cannot allow our children to play in their own neighborhoods alone without fear that they will become prey to some vulture of perversion? How do we diagnose illness if the television is the one doing the monitoring? How does a reputed $8,000,000,000 pornography industry infect the minds of our citizens? What we are attracted to defines and redefines our constitution. If those who lead our nation abdicate the conviction that character matters than what matters is that we are now led by characters.

Second, disdained independence eventually atrophies to meaninglessness. How is it disdained? By those who promote anarchy—independence exploded to the extreme causing the meltdown of essential authority. We did not become a free land because our forefathers despised authority! We became a free land because they rejected tyranny and the unjust application of rule by those in power.

Third, the dark side of independence is selfishness which rips apart the fabric of decency clothing a nation. Do we not live in a land today which basically promotes pleasure over morality? To a people tired of facing each day and its challenges is the lure of “getting high”. Wanton consuming outweighs thoughtful conserving. Winning is more important than telling the truth. What happens to others is “no big deal” as long as it doesn’t effect me!

One of the best ways to gauge selfishness is to listen carefully to a nation’s speech. We are a country that coins euphemisms to de-emphasize problems and excuse intolerable behavior. Instead of labeling a person an alcoholic or drug-addict we address him as chemically-dependent and fault the genes. The logical extension of absolving personal and collective responsibility for immoral behavior or conduct is the promotion of malfeasance. It is no wonder that Dr. Laura is the Jewish prophetess radio listeners tune in to. Many people are so ill from the candy of rationalization that they hunger for the bread of absolutes she steadfastly dishes up.

Our independence ought not to be bartered away on the world’s flea markets. We have a rich history, rights mortgaged by the blood of countless patriots. We still carry coins that define our independence as trust in our Sovereign Maker. If we go to a cashless economy even that reminder will be lost.

Never forget the priceless treasure of holding citizenship in a land that allows you yet to own a Bible, to bow your head and pray to God, to congregate in fellowship, to breath words of faith and sing songs of worship. If we ever lose these inalienable rights it will be because we fell asleep when we should have watched and prayed.

May God bless you and give you a spirit of dependence on Him. May God bless America and give her yet another chance to repent and be restored to the greatness that brings Him glory from sea to shining sea. Something to think about . . . in reveration.