In twelve years of living in Tigard I don’t ever recall a snowfall that lasted more than two days. This is day five and the yard is still covered! Roads are slushy and in parts treacherous. Of course our cousins in
There is a fine degree of separation between flakes and frozen rain but the difference is profound. Have you ever heard of a gentle ice storm? Over 1300 flights at
The Bible has many things to say about our heart. God gave us hearts meant to be soft and pliable like snow. He intended that we revere Him and live our lives in worship by honoring Him in our work, play, language and thought. The sheen of snow reminds me that we were created to be holy and that God’s purity is whiter still! Wow—our eyes have yet to see what shine really means! Moral hearts please Him. Virtuous hearts experience blessing through trial or triumph because the focus is always on God and not on circumstances.
What makes a good heart turn hard? What subtle change in temperature freezes over Savior-worship with brittle idolatry? Why do we lose our childish glee for cynical glum? Turning from God to please ourselves is a vile storm. Pride smears our noesis (understanding) and leaves us obtuse. If ice is treacherous imagine what trouble a hard heart brings. I refuse to become callous and slick. I opt for grace. I’ll drink the hot cup of mercy Jesus gives and keep my heart pointed towards heaven. I’ll revere the One Who somehow saw enough value in me to sacrifice His Son. Will you join me?
Proverbs 28:14—Blessed is the man who always fears the Lord, but he who hardens his heart falls into trouble.