Saturday, November 8, 2008


Proverbs 16:1—We humans make plans, but the Lord has the final word. (CEV)

“Go for it” is a common slogan in an uncommon age. We live in the swift-enhanced decade where innovation in the realm of technology is stunning. Purchase a computer and in just a few years it will be obsolete. The slogan for our age seems to be “UPGRADE.”

I don’t think I’ve ever needed someone to encourage me in the area of taking initiative. Ideas flow through my veins like electricity—only it’s usually others that get shocked! Ideas are the necessary spark plugs that fire initiative. They can be fruitful or they can be fruitless. Initiative that is not God-ordained has the potential of hurting people, leading one down a track God never intended and chewing up valuable resources. Initiative that is in response to God’s leading bears divine results.

So how do we know when “going for it” is self-promoted versus Spirit-led? Perhaps the answer to that question involves asking questions.

¨ “God, what is it You desire me to do today?”

¨ “Lord, am I chasing my own dreams or following Your will?”

¨ “Father, I’m going to be quiet and listen for Your leading. Would You enable me to hear Your voice and obey Your will?”

Initiative isn’t worth all the diamonds in South Africa if it sidetracks us from following God. Jesus was proud of His disciples when they demonstrated spiritual initiative. But He didn’t teach them to sit in the lotus position and trust their inner voice. He taught them to pray, “Thy will be done.”


In the natural world everything depends upon our taking the initiative, but if we are followers of God, we cannot take the initiative, we cannot choose our own work or say what we will do; we do not have to find out at all, we just have to follow.Oswald Chambers in The Devotion of Following