Saturday, November 8, 2008


Numbers 16:12-14—Then Moses summoned Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab. But they said, “We will not come! Isn’t it enough that you have brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey to kill us in the desert? And now you also want to lord it over us? Moreover, you haven’t brought us into a land flowing with milk and honey or given us an inheritance of fields and vineyards. Will you make slaves of us?[1] No, we will not come!”

Insubordination is the oldest recorded sin. Lucifer resisted God’s authority. He then contaminated humanity through his seditious lies to Eve. Today the planet the Lord God made for His glory is pockmarked with contumacious, (obstinately disobedient), disregard for His rule.

The Israelite path to rebellion began with the words “If only we had died in Egypt!” (Num. 14: 2). Insubordination sprang naturally from an unreal preoccupation with the past. They forgot how miserable they were as slaves in a land not their own (Exodus 3:7). They focused on creature comforts as opposed to believing that God would safely lead them into Canaan. When we utter the words, “if only” to heaven, we may as well just say, “God we don’t trust You.”

Lucifer couldn’t wait to be in charge. The Israelites clamored to escape the desert. We insist circumstances be favorable to our aim and ambitions and grow angry when they are not. Insubordination is fueled by impatience.

Insubordination is blind to reality. Lucifer lost sight of God’s glory. The Jews ignored the incredible miracles God worked to free them from Pharaoh, feed them in sandy wastelands and bring water from rock. When we focus on our agendas at the expense of Who God is and what He wants to do, mutiny is not far away.

Moses’ countrymen were champion complainers. They were sick of following a Divine cloud, festered over wasteland training, faulted Moses’ leadership and ultimately set aside godly fear for willful disobedience. In the end, the earth swallowed up Dathan and his grumbling followers, fire consumed Korah and his 250 Levite conspirators and plague killed 14,700 renegades. Twice God threatened to destroy the entire assembly (16:20, 45)! One cannot help but wonder how history would read today had not Moses and Aaron fell on their faces and prayed.

Never say to God, “No we will not come!” You cannot afford the cost of insubordination. Jonah saw the insides of a whale for saying “No!” The Bible is replete with examples of what happens to the rebellious. But land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned” (Hebrews 6:8). Do you know someone resisting God’s authority? Warn him to submit! Do you see a life opposed to the Holy Spirit’s gentle leading? Implore her to repent! My way never leads to freedom. Your way cannot make you whole. God’s way brings us to perfection and the fruit is everlasting joy!


Insubordination means we will not submit our impulses and intuitions and all the forces of the inner life to Jesus Christ; we will not turn to see the voice that speaks.—Oswald Chambers in The Place of Help