Saturday, November 8, 2008


Nine young men sat on the hardwood court as I read to them a short sport story and then gave two applications. They listened attentively to the lesson on courage. After sharing I handed them each a copy to put in their notebooks. The practice was over but one player lingered to read the story on his own. Another stood silent as his dad animatedly discussed the paper with him. One of the mothers came and commented on how much she appreciated the character lessons.

I volunteered to serve as the assistant coach for an eighth grade boy’s basketball team. My son, Stephen, is on the team and it seemed like a great opportunity to be with him and hopefully minister to the lives of young men. But it’s not just basketball skills I hope they will learn I want them to learn about the game of life. Joe eagerly agreed to let me close each practice with a lesson. For the next several months on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 8:55-9:00 p.m., I get to share valuable lessons with impressionable minds.


Psalm 34:11—Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord.

Most of the prestigious colleges and universities in our land no longer offer courses on ethics. It’s not considered politically correct to tell collegians what is right and wrong. Yet, there is a growing awareness in businesses around the country that something is desperately wrong. Young adults are taking jobs with little appreciation for integrity and lack fundamental convictions of what is right and wrong. Is relativism winning the war of mind-shaping?

Young minds are always impressionable; the question is what content will fill their brains? If we don’t teach ethical principles when people are young should we be surprised if they age preferring immorality? Will you pray for me that I might impart valuable truth and that God would give me the opportunity to share Jesus with Drew, Martin, Steven, Calvin, Nicholas, Shane, Justin, Ian and Coach Joe? I’ll pray for you, that God would give you opportunities to minister to impressionable minds. The days are growing short and evil is not shrinking . . .


Very few of us are sensitive; we are all impressionable.—Oswald Chamber in Shade of His Hand