Monday, November 10, 2008


Cerro de Pasco sits over 14,000 feet in elevation in the central Andes of Peru. It is a bleak place. Besides the lack of trees and barren terrain, the atmosphere around this mining town is oppressive. In the community where the engineers reside, a blue signboard welcomes the spirit recognized as lord of the mines. Pastor Marco, Felipe and two other young men of the church we visited, walked us around the central plaza one evening. They pointed out the many bars and discussed the rampant problems of alcoholism, adultery, prostitution, incest, animal sacrifices and demon-worship. They discussed the pride among the inhabitants—a “machoism” that scorns outsiders and keeps the many different churches from coming together as a united body.

1 Peter 5:8,9—Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

In a dirty dilapidated neighborhood, we stopped to eat with Jose and his family. This humble man made a decision to follow Jesus. Yet when he started attending church a strange malady caused such great pain in his feet that he could not walk. We sensed the work of Satan. So after anointing his head with oil our team prayed for healing. Then we learned that one of Jose’s daughters was struggling in her relationship with Jesus. She no longer helped lead worship. When we spoke with her she wept. She shared how a menacing voice told her, “You are mine!” We explained to her the power of Christ and that He would protect her if she would obey Him. We then prayed for her.

The pain in Jose’s feet left him. His daughter was restored to fellowship. We experienced the Holy Spirit at work healing a broken family. But we were reminded again of the power of Satan. Many people scoff at the notion that there is a devil. They belittle and scorn as primitive any suggestion that he is alive and capable of inflicting harm. But the same Bible that proclaims the reality of God teaches the existence of Satan. To dismiss him as myth is to deny the truth of Scripture. To ignore the unmistakable trail of destruction he sows in lives around the world is the height of human foolishness.

Our God is supreme! Our responsibility is to trust in His might. We need not fear a demon behind every bush, but we ought to be vigilant. By following Christ we attract the attention of a fallen-angel devoted to opposing God’s will. If we fail to respect his ability we may find our own feet afflicted by his schemes. Jesus taught His disciples to pray, “deliver us from the evil one.” (Matthew 6:13) I hope you are praying and I ask that you remember before God, your brothers and sisters striving to serve Jesus on the battleground of Cerro de Pasco.

According to the Bible, the very essence of Satan is self-rule, and there are two mighty forces at work, one against and one for God.—Oswald Chambers in Biblical Ethics

The devil's boots don't creak.—Scottish proverb