Monday, November 10, 2008


Fralsarkrans is the Swedish word for life preserver, the kind one throws from the side of a pool or a boat to rescue someone. The literal meaning of the word is “ring of salvation.”

Have you ever considered that we all swim in the Sea of Mortality? Some people seem to readily understand this and aggressively seek help. Others stroke nonchalantly as if the dark water was nothing but a placid fluid to ignore. Still others debate while they swim, what will enable them to escape drowning. They champion their individual gods or hope by the quality and efficiency of their effort they will somehow survive.


Matthew 14:29,30—“Come,” He said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

Jin and Sui grew up in a rural town in mainland China. Though raised without knowing God, when others would make fun of Him they both felt discomfort. Jin shared how early on a fear of God resided in his heart. His wife, Sui, echoed his feeling.

Both of them moved to England to obtain degrees—Jin as a scientist and Sui in education and media. Later they moved to Sweden. Meanwhile, God began placing people in their path that faithfully expressed His love for them. Jin described it as if they were on a trajectory, a divine course that God placed them on to find Him. For example, while in England, Sui suffered incredible crippling pain after her son Michael was born. In desperation, she cried out to the God she did not know, for help. He responded by sending “Granny” an elderly English woman who had identical problems as a young mother. Granny prescribed the perfect remedy to cure Sui’s pain. She also radiated Christ’s love!

Later when Sui faced the possibility of cancer, the couple again turned to God. But this was not an easy decision. Both of them were skeptics. While in China they saw the deficiencies of Chairman Mao’s teachings. So how could they trust an invisible Lord? How could they objectively measure and authenticate an unseen Savior? But mathematical equations could not heal pain. No amount of reasoning could dissipate their inner need to fill the void in their hearts with meaning.

On a cold New Year’s Eve, in Gothenburg, David, Melissa, Dad and I had the awesome privilege of sharing the last leg of a long trajectory Jin and Sui followed to Jesus. They humbly in faith, recognized the Ring of Salvation (Jesus), God so lovingly offered them. Though far removed from the disciple Peter, who took his eyes off Christ and began sinking, they voiced similar words, “Lord, save me!” In a sea filled with sin, pain and uncertainty, they listened to God’s voice in their hearts. They reached out and prayerfully took hold of His eternal hands.

Do you know someone without Christ? Are you willing to share the Ring of Salvation? I watched a soldier die, felled by a fatal blood clot in his brain. His death was sudden and unexpected and he left two young sons behind. I wonder if anyone ever took the time to share Jesus with him. We never know when our last breath will come. So let us have a sense of urgency about sharing Jesus with those who would never choose to spend an eternity apart from God.


Thou art the way, the truth and the life.

Without the way, there is no going.

Without the truth, there is no knowing.

Without the life, there is no living.—Thomas a Kempis