Monday, November 10, 2008


Psalm 89:1—I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make Your faithfulness known through all generations.

I was driving down the road recently asking God to forgive me for a persistent sin in my life when I was overcome with the realization of how much God loves me. There is no greater feeling in the world than to be loved. I don’t know how your week is going but I do know this, God loves you. Consider and reflect on this awesome affirmation—God loves me! He loves me with a permanent, immeasurable, all-understanding, beautifully-sculptured, cross-bearing, resurrection-resounding love! Now pause with this succeeding thought. There is someone near me who needs to hear a poignant message, “God loves you!”

In Psalm 89 Ethan the Ezrahite was so blessed by God’s love He would sing of it forever. Embrace his song and add your own harmony to the symphonic truth that gives hope today—“God loves us!”


The evidence that we are in love with God is that we identify ourselves with His interests in others, and other people are the exact expression of what we ourselves are, that is the most humiliating thing!—Oswald Chambers in The Psychology of Redemption