Nadjya* came into our center to get food. As Bryan had her fill out forms, she shared she was mentally struggling. He forewarned me that she seemed kind of bizarre. I called her in and asked her questions to determine her financial and spiritual status. Essentially, a bout of pneumonia and lingering weakness caused her to miss enough work that she was in need of our help. I was surprised at how well her job paid. Most people who visit us make very little money or are in between jobs. I was also impressed with her faith in God’s mercy and forgiveness. She seemed to have a good grasp of the Bible.
Nadjya took me on an oral journey of the abuse and pain she suffered from her husband. When she went for help she ended up meeting a naturopathic doctor who confessed to being an Ascended Master (“a being who has become Self-Realized and serves humanity; - a being who has raised his/her vibration to a sustained frequency of light. - He/she can come and go at will from the earth plane without the Birth//Death cycle.”)1
This woman told Nadjya she would work with guiding spirits to help her. She put her on a cleansing fast while filling her mind with new age concepts. She described previous lives Nadjya lived. For Nadjya the result of this therapy was an inability to sleep for five days. She began hallucinating and her husband, intent on hurting her, told the police she was violent and had her briefly committed to a mental ward.
Leviticus 19:31—Do not turn to mediums or consult spiritists, or you will be defiled by them; I am the Lord your God.
Nadjya met that doctor in 2001. For the past six years she has lived a peaceless, fearful life. Each time I took her into the Word of God, she would revert to talking about the Dr. who messed up her mind. She asked if perhaps God is punishing her. I was able to pray for God’s peace to be restored to her life and to point her repeatedly back to Christ and the need to be grounded in Scripture. I prayed for God to protect her and to remove and undue the false teaching poured in her mind, poisoning her spirit.
I understand why consulting spiritists is forbidden by God. Nadjya’s spirit and demeanor reflect what it means to be defiled. In an age where many dabble in astrology and the occult or claim to be spiritual masters there are drastic consequences. King David once prayed, “Teach me Your way, Lord, and I will live by Your truth. Give me an undivided mind to fear Your name (Psalm 86:11). Only when we walk in God’s way and truth can we experience the grace and peace of the Almighty that grant clear thinking. When we turn for help to those who worship any other god or follow a self-made path we immediately suffer a divided mind and the foolishness of the world clouds the wisdom of God. Consider the statement of a man claiming to be an Ascended Master, he writes, “There is but one path to knowledge and that is the path that you are on now.” It sounds like a wise and true statement but if that path is not God’s path it is the way of destruction—don’t go there!