When Nancy was thirteen years old she was diagnosed with a disease in her heart, osteoporosis, and the verdict that she would never bear children. She and her mother bargained with God. They would pray wherever they were every day for two months at six a.m. and six p.m. if He would heal her. At home they had no food and life was miserable. One day several Costa Ricans came to her Nicaraguan church. While the visiting pastor spoke with Nancy’s mom, his wife spoke with Nancy. On a Friday afternoon she told her that she would receive everything back in double for her faithfulness. On Monday when the doctors examined her, she was completely healed. Though He did not have too, God in His mercy, blessed the young girl.
Just three years later she fell in love with a nonChristian boy and after a year and a half became pregnant. On February 5, 2001 she left home so as not to embarrass her family. Two months later after being alone, her boyfriend joined her. In the pits of despair from abandoning her walk with God, she nearly had an abortion. Instead, she returned to her church. At the seven month point in her pregnancy, her umbilical cord wrapped three times around the neck of her unborn child. Again she pled with God and He answered so that she delivered a healthy boy. Nancy married the child’s father and rededicated her life to the Lord. After three years, her pastor asked her to be the church secretary.
For three hours each day, Nancy prayed and asked God to shine through her. She read her Bible an additional two hours. Still Nancy struggled. She dealt with the physical abuse her father heaped on her as a child by abusing her own son. Finally, at a Christian camp she found forgiveness for herself and her dad. She learned to love her family and to be a blessing in her church.
Ephesians 6:12—For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
At a youth conference in Managua, Nicaragua, I observed Nancy and a group of about 15 young people preparing to return home. They had miscalculated and did not have enough money for the trip to Leon. Nancy, like a mother hen, gathered the young people in a circle. She wept loudly to the Lord over their need and then fervently praised Him for what He would do. When helpless people come humbly before their helping Father with praise and faith I suspect heaven rejoices. God answered Nancy and provided the Cordobas she and her group needed. Touchingly, a young mother inspired those around her to trust God.
Struggles are not our undoing; they are our time of opportunity. In a sin-soaked world we will wrestle and grapple with evil, unfairness and our own unfitness. But victory is ours if we will take our eyes off our problems and fasten them on Jesus! Something to think about . . . in reveration!
When we stay our feeble efforts, and from struggling cease,Unconditional surrender brings us God’s own peace.—Oswald Chambers in If You Will Be Perfect