Psalm 9:10—Those who know Your name will trust in You, for You, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You.
There comes a time in life when we must decide if we believe in God or not. The two words “never forsaken” ought to be sealed permanently on the hearts of all who know God’s name and seek Him. They are not the casual words of a poetic king. They are the bedrock conviction of a lover of God. They are syllables that form absolute conviction not relative “gee I hope so.” So the next time you hear two letters and a number you ought to be ready to reply with a two-word response—NEVER FORSAKEN! That’s right, YK2 is no threat to King Jesus.
Are you going to stock your pantry and withdraw money from the bank? Excellent! What will you do if unprepared ungodly neighbors come seeking food? Fear turns away. Love gives away. Trust is what makes God’s child a minister.
Are you preparing to flee to Montana? Do the hills of New Mexico beckon? Who will stay for those in the middle of chaos to model trust in the Never Forsaker? Who will be the answer to a world of questions?
Trust is not established by lack of preparation indeed, that is the stuff of folly—“observe the ant,” Solomon said. The danger comes when our trust is in our preparation and not in God. The best-stocked house can be instantly destroyed by a tornado—then what? Can God be trusted still? If the economy collapses does God lose His chair in heaven? If our rights to worship should be taken away is the Holy Spirit paralyzed? If society turns its apathetic back on morality is Jesus no longer sovereign?
Trust is our firm reliance on the integrity, ability, and character of God. He is able! Maybe that’s why the letter ‘t’ is the shape of the cross. Take away the ‘t’ and all that’s left is rust. Therefore, no matter what comes tomorrow, no matter how bad today seems, we can joyfully look upward and know with confidence that Jesus loves us and is perfectly in control. He will never leave or forsake us! We need not fear our earthly future if we trust our forever Savior. NEVER FORSAKEN! Whoa, that’s the cry the world needs to hear from the lips of God’s children!
It is not our trust that keeps us, but the God in whom we trust who keeps us. We are always in danger of trusting in our trust, believing our belief, having faith in our faith. All these things can be shaken; we have to base our faith on those things which cannot be shaken.—Oswald Chambers in The Pilgrim’s Song Book
Have we come to the place where God can withdraw His blessings and it does not affect our trust in Him?—Oswald Chambers in My Utmost For His Highest