Matthew 5:16—In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
Tigard, Oregon—HOME! Our Plymouth Voyager rolled up 8153 miles drinking over 341 gallons of gas as we traversed 25 states, Washington D.C. and parts of Canada. We weren’t able to visit everyone we hoped to see, we got sick and at times I think our three children reached the travel saturation point. But it can be a great thing to be stretched beyond our comfort zone. God was gracious to us and we experienced an unforgettable month visiting relatives and friends and learning more about our nation and its people.
There are many memories that five Yorks will collectively carry from our adventure. Today one thought pulsates through my mind. One cannot drive across America and not see billboards. They are everywhere. They proclaim a myriad of messages all created with the intent to entice: Visit the famous Wall Drugstore, SD; Fireworks—next exit; Shopper’s Paradise; Comfort Inn—24 miles ahead, free HBO, continental breakfast; Drink Miller Lite; Barby Dolls—adult entertainment; McDonalds etc. etc.
Imagine if you were a billboard. What message would people see as they drove by you? It is a challenging thought that people form their opinion of us largely by what they see. If my action consistently broadcasts love for God and for people then am I not an enticement for God’s kingdom? Conversely, if my life is devoted to pleasing my carnal cravings then am I not a sign promoting ME? The former leads to peace, joy and fulfillment, the latter perpetuates a lifelong quest for meaning.
Hopefully within every town there are people devoted to Jesus. If we all shine for Him, what effect, what influence might we have in a nation of billboards mostly calling for that which will burn. “Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:46,47)
Our Lord followed life from His Father’s standpoint, today we are caught up in the show of things.—Oswald Chambers in The Highest Good