Jeremiah 1:6,7—“Ah, Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am only a child.” But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am only a child.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you.”
Yesterday an eleven year old boy rode his bike for the first time without training wheels. “Well what's so great about that, most eleven year-old kids ride bikes.” Well this boy was different. He knew what it meant to fall down repeatedly because of poor balance. He feared getting hurt. He was afraid to go too fast. His physical therapist recommended he ride a special three wheel bike that would compensate for his deficiencies. He tried riding on two wheels but gave up--it was too tough. He didn't believe he could do it so he ceased striving.
So what made the difference? His six-year old brother. You see, his little brother learned to ride unsupported on his second day of trying. Bryan, my son, decided that if Stephen could do it, so could he. He left the couch for the track and accomplished what no one believed he could. We had a 7-11 celebration complete with a full round of Slurpees. It was a joyous occasion, a rare victory over real doubts.
Is your life stationary? Have you stopped growing because you've quit trying? Is it too hard to move on because it's not worth the pain? Perhaps it's time. Time to ask God to give you the faith to do what you know needs to be done. Are you willing to ask God to provide the inspiration you need to grow? He may surprise you. Sure, you may fall down and get hurt. Your pride may take a beating. That's okay. Get back up and try again. Ask Bryan. He will proudly show you his scrapes and bruises--they've become badges of honor.
Is your life in motion? Are you thrilled at what God is teaching you? Great!!! Ask your awesome Savior to give you the privilege of encouraging someone else who is stuck in the immobilizing mud of doubt.
Beware of being stationary! God grant that we may be going on with Him continually so that we can disciple all we come in contact with.—Oswald Chambers in Workmen of God