Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Psalm 52:9—I will praise You forever for what You have done; in Your name I will hope, for Your name is good. I will praise You in the presence of Your saints.

In our culture it is common for people to exchange business cards. Those tree-descended pieces tell others what we do, who we are and how we can be contacted. The information had better be good if we hope to prosper.

Now imagine when you place your trust and allegiance in Jesus Christ, that He hands you His business card. The card’s first line simply reads, I AM—the name by which God introduced Himself to Moses. The name Jesus applied to Himself—His deity, messiah-invoking calling card that nearly resulted in His stoning (John 8:58). The NIV study notes for Exodus 3:14 say of I AM Who I AM: The name by which God wished to be known and worshiped in Israel—the name that expressed His character as the dependable and faithful God Who desires the full trust of His people.

The next line on Jesus’ card is His title, the most profound label known to mankind: Everlasting Savior, Lamb of God, Living Water, Prince of Peace, King of kings, Lion of Judah, Son of Man . . . By His title we have hope. By His supernatural grace our perfect Lord takes any who will follow Him and makes them good.

The dictionary gives twenty definitions for the word “good”. When good comes from God perhaps the most appropriate rending of the word is “worthy of respect, honorable, genuine.” It’s a great thing to be good—to wake up in the morning clean, morally upright; to have at the heart of our action honest concern for others; to feel the flow of worthy thoughts that lift the spirit up; to act in such a manner that those around us are cheered by our very presence. O yes, it’s good to be good.

So why not carry a God card in your wallet or purse! His name is the name in which we hope for His name is good! His name is the reminder that though life may be full of trials and challenge, our future is secure! By His blood we are good to go! Something to think about . . . in reveration!

The characteristic of Jesus in a disciple is much deeper down than doing good things, it is goodness in motive because the disciple has been made good by the supernatural grace of God.—Oswald Chambers in Studies in the Sermon on the Mount