Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Deuteronomy 4:6—Observe them carefully, for this will show your wisdom and understanding to the nations, who will hear about all these decrees and say, "surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people."

Followers—what thoughts does this word conjure? Are they passive, wimpy, sheep-like figures too meek to do anything but comply with those leading? Are they mature loyalists? In actuality, we cannot rightly answer the question unless we know concrete evidence about who is leading.

One of the world’s most storied leaders—Moses, offers enlightening information about God’s followers. Moses noted that those who faithfully followed the Almighty would:

1) Reveal themselves to be wise and understanding people. Is it better to be a follower of the Creator Who is perfect, powerful and loving or to acquiesce to what is created, flawed and incapable of rendering on-going blessing let alone eternal life. (Deuteronomy 4:6,15-19)

2) Favorably impact other nations who would hear about God’s decrees and recognize with praise people wise enough to follow them. (4:6)

3) Carefully remember and guard the lessons learned from observing God’s handiwork. (4:9, 32-35)

4) Teach their children and their grandchildren the importance of following God. (4:9,10)

5) Understand that God is a jealous God Who loves His people and will be provoked if they turn away from following Him. (4:23,24)

6) Realize that turning away from God would result in disaster. (4:26)

7) Be able to return to obeying God if they fell away because He is merciful. (4:29-31)

If we are criticized for following God we ought to recognize that the criticism ultimately is towards God and not ourselves. And He above all is perfectly capable of handling criticism. If we are criticized for behavior which is at odds with what others know to be God’s will, then we must stand the scrutiny and ask ourselves if we are unfaithful thereby smearing the reputation of the One we follow. To be followers of God is a great and awesome responsibility. May we be found faithful in His sight!


We are not here to win souls, to do good to others; that is the natural outcome, but it is not our aim, and this is where so many of us cease to be followers. We will follow God as long as He makes us a blessing when He does not we will not follow. Suppose our Lord had measured His life by whether or not He was a blessing to others.—Oswald Chambers in The Ministry of the Unnoticed