Tuesday, April 20, 2010


There is a very challenging obstacle at Fort Lewis that ROTC cadets are required to negotiate during their summer training. One at a time each student climbs up a metal staircase, stands up on a narrow beam about 6 inches in width and then walks up and down a step continuing to the other side. Next, the student must grab a rope, swing the legs over the rope and slide out to the center, hang and wait for a command to drop about 20 feet down to the lake below. It is amazing how hard it is to walk up and over that step so high above the water without falling or succumbing to fear.

Psalm 18:36—You widen [a place] beneath me for my steps, and my ankles do not give way.

Occasionally God may ask us to traverse narrow walkways. High above our comfort zone, He tests us to see if we are willing to trust Him. He asks us to do what we would normally avoid and takes us where we do not want to go. Without challenges, how would our faith grow? However, some believe that God purposely makes life demanding and does not care that they suffer. For them, He is an unfair Lord bent on making their life like that of Job. Perhaps you have gone through a hard time and felt like God was intentionally out to make you squirm. Yet, while it is true that He does test us, far more often, He is actually making life better for us. He removes those things that would work to our ruin creating a safer path for our journey.

One songwriter wrote in Psalm 66:9, “He keeps us alive and does not allow our feet to slip.” In Psalm 94:18 we read, “If I say, ‘My foot is slipping, Your faithful love will support me, LORD.’” Again, in Psalm 121:3, it says, “He will not allow your foot to slip; your Protector will not slumber.” Clearly, those who followed God thousands of years ago recognized that He was their Benefactor, alert, loving, and dedicated to helping them.

Friend today would be a great day to pause what you are doing and take inventory. Ask God to remind you of incidents where you have seen His hand of protection at work in your life. You might inquire if there were times you took for granted and failed to see Him at work behind the scenes on your behalf. Do not be a noctambulist (sleepwalker) and take divine protection for granted! I am certain we will be amazed to discover in God’s presence, how oblivious we were to His working to better our lives. If we would even slightly believe that our Father cares enough to broaden our pathway and protect our journey we would have much greater reason to step out in faith! Something to think about . . . in reveration!

What, can Jesus meet my need? Yes, and more than meet it. No matter how intricate my path, how difficult my service; no matter how sad my bereavement, how far away my loved ones; no matter how helpless I am, how deep are my soul yearnings—Jesus can meet all, all, and more than meet.—Hudson Taylor