One of the reasons I love to study the Bible is the amazing way God speaks to the times in which we live. Read what the prophet Hosea wrote to his countrymen sometime between 755 and 722 B.C. and see if his words speak to your nation.
Hosea 4:1-14—Hear the word of the LORD, people of
At the root of our vast national decline is our lack of knowledge of God. We have abandoned a thirst to know Him with a craving to please our flesh. The result of this headlong plunge into pleasure is the replacement of truth with lies, the betrayal of fidelity for unabated lust and ignorance of God whereby cursing, lying, murder, stealing and adultery paint the walls of our cities. Degenerate people cause the land and all that live in it to suffer. Instead of the proliferation of evil driving people to return to God, the opposite occurs—an insatiable appetite screams for worse. The liturgy of promiscuity worships with two key words, “Please me!” For flesh to be gratified, anything based on truth must be discredited and labeled as intolerant and wrong. The Creator is disobeyed and unwise people are doomed.
So what do we do when society manifests all the signs of a freefall to hell? Certainly, this is not the time for isolation. Seclusion results in obsolescence (no longer useful). Hosea did not hide in the hills when
A beetle in dung thinks himself a king.—Paul Vithayathil in Proverbs and Wise Sayings